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Response address object


The input address (which may be loosely structured) will be geocoded and coerced into a structured address format.

The address result object will be available if an address is provided in the input object.

If the lookup is unsuccessful, success will be false. If the address can't be geocoded (i.e. a reasonably certain match found for it), valid will be false. The success and valid properties are always present, but other properties only exist where success and valid are true.



"address": {
"success": false,
"valid": null

Successful but not valid:

"address": {
"success": true,
"valid": false


"address": {
"success": true,
"valid": true,
"in_country": true,
"postal_code_match": true,
"address1": "35 Lodgeville Rd",
"address2": "",
"city": "Minneapolis",
"state": "Minnesota",
"country_name": "United States",
"country_code": "US",
"postal_code": "55480",
"latitude": 44.9255,
"longitude": -93.3034,
"seen_hour": 1,
"seen_day": 1,
"seen_month": 1,
"seen_quarter": 1


successSet to true only if the lookup is successful.boolean
validSet to true if a match is found (i.e. the address is successfully geocoded), or null if the lookup is not successful.boolean or null
in_countrySet to true if the address is found to be in the site's country.boolean
postal_code_matchIf the postal code provided in the input address matches the geocoded address, set to true. Set to null where the input or matched address postal codes are not known or ambiguous.boolean or null
address1First line of address.string or null
address2Second line of address.string or null
cityAddress city.string or null
stateAddress state.string or null
country_nameFull name of the address country.string or null
country_codeTwo-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.string or null
postal_codeAddress postal code.string or null
latitudeAddress coordinates latitude to 4 decimal places.decimal or null
longitudeAddress coordinates longitude to 4 decimal places.decimal or null
seen_hourNumber of times events have been seen with this postal code since the start of the previous hour. Or null if the postal code is not present.integer or null
seen_dayNumber of times events have been seen with this postal code since yesterday. Or null if the postal code is not present.integer or null
seen_monthNumber of times events have been seen with this postal code since the start of last month. Or null if the postal code is not present.integer or null
seen_quarterNumber of times events have been seen with this postal code since the start of the last calendar quarter. Or null if the postal code is not present.integer or null