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Response ip object

IP address

The IP object provides details of the person's IP address including the ISP, the business that owns it, country/location, and risk flags.

It's available in the result whenever an ip is provided in the input data, or where the IP can be derived from the device.

If the lookup is unsuccessful, success will be false.



"ip": {
"success": false


"ip": {
"success": true,
"in_country": true,
"ip": "",
"ip_network": "204.158.96",
"isp": "Comcast Cable Communications LLC",
"organization": "Comcast Cable Communications LLC",
"carrier": "Verizon",
"type": "business",
"city": "Minneapolis",
"state": "Minnesota",
"country_name": "United States",
"country_code": "US",
"postal_code": "55400",
"timezone": "America/Chicago",
"latitude": 40.9255,
"longitude": -89.3034,
"vpn": true,
"relay": false,
"proxy": false,
"tor": false,
"hosting": false,
"threat": false,
"bogon": false,
"seen_hour": 1,
"seen_day": 1,
"seen_month": 1,
"seen_quarter": 1


successSet to true only if the lookup is successful.boolean
ipThe IP address.string
ip_networkThe network level partial IP address. e.g. "204.158.96".string
ispThe name of the owner of the ASN.string or null
organizationThe name of the end-user the IP address has been assigned to.string or null
carrierThe name of the mobile carrier that owns the IP address.string or null
typeThe type of usage associated with the IP address. See below for the possible values.string or null
cityLocation city.string or null
stateLocation state.string or null
country_nameFull name of the location country.string or null
country_codeTwo-letter (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) country code.string or null
postal_codeLocation postal code.string or null
timezoneThe timezone in the tz database format, in the form "Area/Location", e.g. "America/New_York".string or null
latitudeLocation latitude to 4 decimal places.decimal or null
longitudeLocation longitude to 4 decimal places.decimal or null
vpnSet to true if the IP address is known to be (or likely to be) a VPN.boolean
relaySet to true if the IP address is known to be a relay service (i.e. iCloud Relay).boolean
proxySet to true if the IP address is known to be (or likely to be) a proxy.boolean
torSet to true if the IP address is known to be a node on the Tor network.boolean
hostingSet to true if the IP address is known to be a hosting or datacenter provider.boolean
threatSet to true if the IP address is known to be (or likely to be) an abuse threat. That is, spam, bot, malware, crawler, etc.boolean
bogonSet to true for a BOGON (reserved, but not yet allocated IP address). Traffic should not be routed with this IP.boolean
seen_hourNumber of times events have been seen with this IP network since the start of the previous hour.integer
seen_dayNumber of times events have been seen with this IP network since yesterday.integer
seen_monthNumber of times events have been seen with this IP network since the start of last month.integer
seen_quarterNumber of times events have been seen with this IP network since the start of the last calendar quarter.integer

Network types

hostingDatacenter or hosting IP address
ispInternet Service Provider (ISP) address
cdnContent delivery network
eduEducational use
govGovernment use
milMilitary use
businessBusiness/private use, i.e. assigned to an end-user