📄️ Obtaining your secret key
First, select the site you need the secret key for in the site switcher (top left directly under the Hitprobe logo). Then select Manage site from the menu. You'll find your secret key under the Integration section. Copy this key so you can use it shortly.
📄️ Authentication
Provide your secret key as the bearer token using the HTTP bearer token authentication scheme.
📄️ Error responses
Error responses have a non-200 HTTP status code and sometimes have a JSON body with a human-readable message in the format:
📄️ Status codes
The API responds with an appropriate HTTP status code and a JSON object. Error responses have a JSON object containing a single message property, which is a human-readable error message.
📄️ GET /session/<id>
Reads the session with the ID ``. The properties below are always present in the response but some may be null.
📄️ PUT /session/<id>/conversion
Marks the session with ` as converted. Returns a simple success` property. Updating the conversion status where the session is already converted returns the same result.