📄️ Sessions
Each distinct visit to your site is called a 'session'. It's the equivalent to a "visit" in most analytics products, or a click in other click fraud tools. Each new device visiting your site creates a new session. After around 30 minutes of inactivity, if the same visitor returns, they'll start a new session.
📄️ Sites
A site is defined by a domain name. If your site has multiple subdomains but you want to manage them as one, you can treat them as a single site (enter the domain name as the site). However, you can also treat each subdomain as a separate site if you prefer.
📄️ Google accounts
Once a Google account is connected, it can be managed under Account > Google accounts. From here, you can see the status of all your connections, and disconnect if needed.
📄️ Meta accounts
Once a Meta account is connected, it can be managed under Account > Meta accounts. From here, you can see the status of all your connections, and disconnect if needed.
📄️ Microsoft accounts
Once a Microsoft account is connected, it can be managed under Account > Microsoft accounts. From here, you can see the status of all your connections, and disconnect if needed.
📄️ Risk settings
Control how you want to react to risks, such as when and how to block visitors. To manage a site's risk settings, go to Manage site > Settings > Risk.
📄️ Engagement settings
To finetune what you consider to be an engaged visitor, use these settings. To manage a site's engagement settings, go to Manage site > Settings > Engagement.
📄️ General settings
Other settings that allow you to more precisely control how Hitprobe works. To manage a site's general settings, go to Manage site > Settings > General.
📄️ Custom events
You can send custom events through either the Hitprobe tag or the API. For example, you may want to send an event when a button is clicked, or when a purchase is made. Custom events are shown in the activity of the session. If the custom event is classed as a conversion, the session will be converted too.
📄️ Webhooks
Webhooks are available on paid plans.
📄️ Managing blocks
You can view a list of blocks for the selected site by clicking on Blocked IPs or Blocked domains on the menu.
📄️ Analytics
Analytics provides near real-time visualizations of your site's sessions, making it easy for you to quickly identify patterns, trends, and potential threats.
📄️ Reports
The reports feature lets you create CSV reports of your data. You can create one-off reports, or schedule reports for regular intervals to be notified to you by email.
📄️ Billing
This guide covers topics related to billing.
📄️ User profile
You can manage your own user profile by clicking your name at the bottom left of the screen, then Manage profile. From there, you can update your details, change your email address, of make changes to the notifications you receive.