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Analytics provides near real-time visualizations of your site's sessions, making it easy for you to quickly identify patterns, trends, and potential threats.

First, select the site you want to view analytics for (or choose All sites to see combined analytics for all sites), then click on the Analytics option on the menu.

Using analytics

You can apply filters to further segment the analytics that you see. You can also change the date range using the date selector at the top right of the page.


You can click into data points on most charts to 'zoom in'. This applies custom dates or filters so you can see the other charts in context of the data point you clicked on.

When filters are applied, you'll see a icon to indicate that the charts you're looking at have filters applied to them.

If you are viewing analytics for a specific site, click the icon to apply the same filters to sessions. This helps you to view the individual sessions that make up the current analytics view.


You won't see this option if you're viewing All sites analytics, as sessions lists are only available if a specific site is selected.

Available charts

Sessions over time

Shows sessions by day over the time period selected. Each outcome is shown as a separate series. Click into a datapoint to filter analytics by date and outcome.


Charts the number of sessions during the period that were flagged with each risk. Click into a risk type to filter analytics by that risk.

Top sources

Groups the top 40 source types and shows how many total sessions came from each one. Select Outcomes to see the same data segmented by outcome. Click into a datapoint to filter by source.

Top campaigns

Groups the top 20 campaigns and shows how many total sessions came from each one. Select Outcomes to see the same data segmented by outcome. Click into a datapoint to filter by source and campaign.

The Top campaigns (Google) chart shows data for Google only, with Top campaigns (Other) showing data for all sources except Google.


A heatmap chart showing all countries. The Sessions tab shows the relative number of sessions for each country over the period. Blocked % shows the ratio of sessions that were blocked. Finally, Score shows the relative average session score.

Click into a country to filter all analytics charts by that country.

Device type

A circle chart displaying the types of devices seen. Category shows the device form factor (i.e. mobile, computer, etc.), with Browser showing the type of browser the visitor used.


Charts the score of sessions over the period. Average has an average score for all sessions, indicating the quality of the score in red/orange/green. Over time charts the average over time, allowing you to see if the score is increasing or decreasing. Sources segments the average score by the top 20 tracked sources. Referrers segments the average score by the top 20 referrer domains.

Click into the datapoints on the Over time, Sources, or Referrers charts to filter by date, source, or referrer domain respectively.

Top identifiers

The identifiers chart shows the top 20 of each identifier by session count. The available identifiers are Fingerprint, IP, and Network. Click into an identifier to filter all the charts by it.

Top referrer domains

Shows the top 20 referrer domains by session count. Click into a referrer domain to filter all the charts by it.