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A site is defined by a domain name. If your site has multiple subdomains but you want to manage them as one, you can treat them as a single site (enter the domain name as the site). However, you can also treat each subdomain as a separate site if you prefer.

In Hitprobe, all settings and analytics are grouped around the site.


The number of sites you can create depends on the billing plan you're subscribed to.

Add a site

To add a site, click Add new site on the main menu.

Managing a site

You can manage a site by clicking on Manage site on the menu.


You must select a site to be able to manage it (top left directly under the Hitprobe logo). If you don't see the Manage site option, you're probably viewing All sites.

Site details

Domain name

Provide the domain name that you'll be implementing Hitprobe on.

You may provide either a domain name (, or a subdomain (

If you intend to use Hitprobe on multiple subdomains, make sure you enter your site's domain, not the subdomain. I.e. Use and not You can then use the same Hitprobe keys on,, and

Default country

The default country is not currently used and is reserved for future features. It's recommended to set it to the home country of the site.

Other configuration