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Meta Ads

The Meta Ads integration relies on adding blocked sessions to a Meta audience that is then excluded from your Meta ad sets.


Make sure you have both the Hitprobe tag and the Meta Pixel loaded within your page. No changes are needed to the tags themselves, they just need to be initialized.

Use a tracking template

Using click tracking for Meta allows Hitprobe to:

  • Record details of every click, even if the visitor bounces very quickly before the page loads.
  • Add the necessary tracking parameters (prefixed with hp_) to your landing page URL so that the Hitprobe tag knows more about the source.

Here is the tracking template you'll need:<your_site_key>&url=<your_landing_page>&hp_source={{site_source_name}}&hp_campaign={{}}&hp_group={{}}&hp_content={{}}&hp_placement={{placement}}

Make sure you replace <your_site_key> with the site key for your site, and <your_landing_page> with the landing page URL (e.g.


If your landing page URL contains a query string (i.e., make sure you URL encode it. The query string will be preserved through the redirect.

When you have your template ready, you'll need to edit your Meta ad, and save the template in the Destination > Website URL field. Do this for each ad you want to track with Hitprobe.

If you'd prefer not to use the click tracker and leave your ads pointing directly at your website, you can still use tracking params to help the Hitprobe tag recognise the source. In this case, use these parameters in the Tracking > URL parameters field.


If you don't use the click tracker, and the visitor bounces very quickly before the tag gets a chance to load, the click won't be recorded at all. So it's much better to follow the steps above for using the tracking template if possible.

Set up audience blocking


Some users may prefer to follow our visual walkthrough instead. Go to Manage site > Ad networks > Meta Ads and click the label next to Audience blocking. Use the controls to move between the steps.

Step 1: Configure an event name in Hitprobe

  1. In Hitprobe, go to Manage site > Ad networks > Meta Ads and click the label next to Audience blocking.
  2. Type an event name in the Event name field (HitprobeBlocked is recommended), then click Update.

Step 2: Wait for a session to be blocked

Because Meta doesn't offer any way to manage events before they've actually been triggered, it's necessary to wait for the next blocked session.

When the next visitor is blocked (this must be a device block), the Hitprobe tag will send an event to Meta. This happens within the page. Allow 30 minutes for the event to process, and then follow the steps in the next section.

Step 3: Create an audience in Meta Ads

  1. Sign in to Meta Business Suite and select Search.
  2. Search for events and then select Events Manager in the results.
  3. Within the overview, click the name of your website's data source.
  4. Make sure you can see your event in the list. You may see a warning icon and need to confirm the event before you continue.
  5. Click Create, then Create Custom Audience.
  6. Select your event from the list of Events and set Audience retention at 180.
  7. Type Hitprobe as the Audience name, then click Create audience.
  8. Click Done.

Step 4: Exclude the audience from ad sets

  1. Go to Ads Manager > Ad sets, then Edit an ad set.
  2. Scroll down to the Audience section, then click Add exclusions.
  3. Click into the Exclude box and select your new audience.
  4. Now click Publish.
  5. Repeat for any other ad sets you need to protect.

Now your Meta ads are protected using Hitprobe's audience exclusion.