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Each distinct visit to your site is called a 'session'. It's the equivalent to a unique visitor in most analytics products, or a click in other click fraud tools. Each new device visiting your site creates a new session. After around 30 minutes of inactivity, if the same visitor returns, they'll start a new session.

If the click has an ad network ID, for example if it's a Google Ads or Meta click, each distinct click ID will be treated as a new session.

Listing all sessions

You can view a list of sessions for the selected site by clicking Sessions on the menu.


You must select a site to be able to view sessions (top left directly under the Hitprobe logo). If you don't see the Sessions option, you're probably viewing All sites.

You can apply filters to narrow down the list of sessions that you see here. You can also change the date range using the date selector at the top right of the page.

Click the icon to apply the same filters to analytics. This helps you to visualize the same data as you're seeing in this view.

Click anywhere on a session row, or the ➔ icon to see the detail behind it.


You can scroll the session rows horizontally to see more columns.

Session detail

The session detail has all the data that Hitprobe knows about the session. There's a summary at the top along with a map showing the location of the session, with more details further down the page.

Block IP, network, or domain

Click Block IP, Block network, or Block domain to quickly add the item to the relevant blocklist. On success, the option will be disabled and it will show that the item is now blocked.


You can't remove from blocklists on the session detail page, but you can do that in the blocklist areas of the console.

Block or allow country

Depending on whether your site is configured to block countries out or allow them in, you'll either have a Block country or Allow country option on the IP & Network > Location row. This adds the country to the country list with one click.

Filter sessions / filter analytics shortcuts

You can click the icons next to any outcome, fingerprint, IP/network address, location, source, or domain to filter the sessions list, or view analytics, filtered by that value.

This allows you to easily review associated sessions to check if they're likely to be the same visitor or not.