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Privacy regulations across the world are evolving quickly. Generally, to comply with privacy regulations, you'll need to declare Hitprobe as a controller and/or processor of your user's information (depending on your and your user's region).

You can do this by adding Hitprobe to your privacy policy, explaining what user information is collected and the reasons. Make sure this privacy policy is prominently accessible on your website, and especially on forms that are protected by Hitprobe.

Here is some information that may be helpful when updating your privacy policy:

  • Personal data transferred: User's IP address, specific user details provided in the API request (name, email, phone, etc.), information about the user's browser and device.
  • Basis of transfer of data: Normally, your basis or reason for transferring the data will be to maintain the security and integrity of your application. However, state the reasons that apply to your use.
  • Privacy policy URL:
  • Legal entity: Chalkboard Software Limited, United Kingdom