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Sites allow you to group events and rules. Each site works independently of the others. I.e. events are only linked within a site, and a site's allowlist only applies to that one site.


The number of sites you can create depends on the billing plan you're subscribed to.


Domain name

Provide the domain name that you'll be implementing Hitprobe on.

You may provide either a domain name (, or a subdomain (

If you intend to use Hitprobe on multiple subdomains, make sure you enter your site's domain, not the subdomain. I.e. Use and not You can then use the same Hitprobe keys on,, and

Default country

The default country is used for:

  • Parsing phone numbers, except when provided in E.164 format. Hitprobe needs a hint as to the country the phone number is likely to be from.
  • Resolving in_country properties. The default country is what the event object's country values are compared to.

If your app is structured with a different site for each country (i.e. .com,, etc.), then it's best to use a different Hitprobe site for each country.