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Obtaining credentials

Before you can use Hitprobe, you’ll need both a site key and a secret key. There's a free plan with up to 100 events a month, designed for implementation and testing for as long as you need.

First, create an account. Then follow the steps to create your first site, and make a note of the site key and secret key.

Keys are scoped to each site you implement Hitprobe on. For each domain name you use, you'll need separate credentials.

If you intend to use Hitprobe on multiple subdomains, make sure you enter your site's domain, not the subdomain. I.e. Use and not You can then use the same Hitprobe keys on,, and


Both the site and secret key is in a UUID format, so it should look something like this: 3748eaee-7408-4fee-9e42-4d5d94e5f2e9.


Remember that the secret key is only to be used server side and should be protected as a credential just like any other authentication token.