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About this getting started tutorial

This guide will walk you through implementing Hitprobe on your web app (or form), and explain all of the important things you’ll need to know.

At the end, we’ll link to further reading for more in-depth coverage on the topics covered in the getting started guide.

Need help along the way? See our page on how you can get support.

How Hitprobe works

If you're familiar with captcha services such as reCAPTCHA or hCaptcha, you'll already understand the implementation concepts.

There are 2 implementation components to Hitprobe, those are:

  1. A client-side JavaScript agent that you need to add to the form you want to protect. The easiest implementation option is to include the <script> tag on the page, and then add a hidden form field that will hold the probe_id (which the agent will take care of).
  2. A server-side API request to an /event API containing the person's details and the probe_id that you collected. This produces an outcome (whether to allow or block the event), and an enriched set of data about the person, device, and connection behind the event.

Once Hitprobe has been implemented, the console lets you review all events, see how events link together, allowlist email and IP addresses, and configure allow/block rules.