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Add the tag directly


Using Google Tag Manager? Learn how to deploy with Google Tag Manager instead.

Make sure you now have a tag configured and ready to deploy.

You now need to add it to every page on your website where visitors may land or browse to. This normally means all the marketing or front-end pages of your site, or all store pages for ecommerce sites.

Copy the tag into each page anywhere within the <head> or <body> sections. Just before the closing </body> tag is perfect, but anywhere is fine. The agent won't run until the page has loaded, so it won't slow down your site.

When the tag is live on your site, you should start to see new sessions appear in the console.

Tag not working?
  1. Check the developer console in the browser, you may see error messages that you can act on.
  2. Double check the site key is correct.
  3. Have you added the tag to the same domain as that of the site?
  4. If you have a CSP (Content Security Policy), did you add Hitprobe's domains to it in the previous step?

Also refer to our full troubleshooting guide.